• Content,  Holidays


    Occasionally referred to as the "first of the appointed times", the 7th day Sabbath is one of the central points of Jewish life. This is the time, appointed by G-d every week, we are to set aside to remove ourselves from our work and focus on the L-rd. Shabbat is like a weekly "date" with the creator of the universe.

  • Content,  Jewish Jewels


    What is the significance of the yarmulke?   Does the talit mean the same thing as the yarmulka?   Is Jesus’ name really Joshua?   Why do Jews break a glass at a Jewish wedding?   Why do Jews place a stone on someone’s grave?   If I try one of the celebrations, what if I do it wrong?  …

  • Content,  Holidays

    Yom Kippur

    The Day of Atonement is more an event than a celebration. To those of G-d's chosen who have not yet found the Messiah, this day is sometimes met with confusion and uncertainty. This would have been the day that all of Israel would have flocked to the Temple to offer sacrifices for their sins over the past year. With the…

  • Content,  Holidays


    The Feast of Tabernacles is a feast of celebration. Once the crops are in, there are sacrifices of thankfulness to be offered. No work is done on the first and eighth days. You should build a sukkah (a simple temporary structure outdoors), and have a party!

  • Content,  Holidays


    The feast of Shavuot (weeks), known in Christendom as Pentecost (fiftieth) occurs seven weeks and one day (50 days) after the Sabbath during Passover. This special day is known as the anniversary of the Torah being given to Moses, and the day the Holy Spirit was given to the Apostles (Acts 2)

  • Content,  Holidays

    Rosh Hashanah

    Though it falls during the seventh month of the Biblical year, Rosh Hashanah, "Head of the Year", is considered the Jewish new year because it begins the Days of Awe, a time of introspection which encourages us to take a look at the past year as we approach Yom Kippur.

  • Content,  Holidays


    Purim is the first feast of the year on the Gregorian calendar and one of the most fun. It takes little preparation, and involves the children as well as adults. It tells the story of Esther (YAY!) and Haman (BOO!). You'll catch on quickly.

  • Content,  Holidays


    Hanukkah, or The Feast of Dedication, is one of the most well-known Jewish holidays among gentiles. There is a good reason for this: If the Maccabean revolt it celebrates had not taken place 160 years earlier, Yeshua would not have had a Temple to come to. He took this very time to declare Himself to the High Priests in that…