About Us
We are an elder-led Messianic Jewish Synagogue. We believe in Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah). We believe that all scripture is the inspired Word of the Holy One of Israel, and therefore none of it can be ignored.
Our emphasis is to provide a loving platform for Jews who want to know more about their prophesied Messiah, and keep the traditions and worship they grew up with, and also to encourage Christians to explore the Jewish heritage of their faith. We stress personal spiritual growth and action, which naturally results in actively studying the Hebraic nature of our faith. Our services are based on the traditional Jewish siddur, with Hebraic-style worship. Our congregation also observes the Moedim (Appointed Times) as outlined in Leviticus 23.
We have made the Beth El Shaddai foundational documents and belief statements available to download below. If you are interested in membership we encourage you to read these materials.
8.10.19 BESMJC Articles of Covenant
Appendix 1 – Statement of faith
Appendix 2 – Mission Statement
Appendix 3 – Sex Offender Policy
Appendix 4 – Statement Regarding Sexuality and Gender
If you have any further questions about our mission, beliefs, or teaching, Contact Us.